清莱府 美占 帕吞 班帕明 23号9弄, 凊莱府, 57110
(1 检查)
清萊谷度假村@多伊霍姆法度假村 ,这家精品酒店提供22间兰纳风格的客房,位于清莱最佳酒厂的葡萄园中。敦虹法清莱谷度假村位于清莱的湄佔区,是十分受旅客欢迎的订房选择。 离市中心仅30.00 Km的路程,能确保游人快速方便地前往当地的旅游景点。 这家现代化酒店临近美斯乐山等热门景点。
敦虹法清莱谷度假村提供优质贴心的服务和方便实用的设施,赢得了客人的普遍好评。 酒店特色服务包括免费房内无线网络, 行李存放服务, 无线网络(公共区域), 停车场, 送餐服务。
部分客房配有平板电视, 免费速溶咖啡, 免费茶水, 镜子, 毛巾等一流的服务设施,可以尽情享受您的入住,扫除一整天的疲劳。 在繁忙的一天过后,不妨到酒店的按摩浴缸, 室外游泳池, 水疗中心, 按摩, 花园放松一下自己。 不管您是哪一种类型的游客,敦虹法清莱谷度假村都是前往清莱的理想下榻酒店
8 May 2012
We were so surprised, but not positiv! A few years ago, we spent time in this hotel. It was quiet new and everything was good. But last time.... The hotel looked derelict! Also the dinning place was in a bad condition. It looked everything old and mouldered. We were nearly the only guests in this hotel and it looks like they don't have many guests. The staff (one man) at the reception was very friendly, but that's all! We were totaly disappointed! It's a pitty, because the surrounding is fabulous!!!!!